Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My Very First Scoring Session to Film: March 25th 2013

Note: If the video above doesn't play, here is the link to it on Youtube:

Since enrolling at the Pacific Northwest Film Scoring Program, I've written countless pieces and prepared for a real scoring session where I would decide the important points of the scene, decide the musical materials, tempo, and the like, then write the music, compose a pad pre-record, write the parts, sync it all up for recording, mark up the video for synchronization, and conduct the thing, making all the final decisions. Well, here is my first real output.

This movie is "Cane". We are to score the opening sequence that you see here. Consider this the finished project. I will soon produce a version with the timecode and streamers.

Special thanks first and foremost to Hummie Mann, Tim Huling, Reed Ruddy for engineering the recording at Studio X in Seattle, WA, all of my colleagues who provided immense feedback, and to Claire Hawkins, without whom none of this would have taken place.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Brass Percussion Piano Session Final Edit

We have now covered editing, mixing, and effects sends in PRO-TOOLS and here is my improved version of my most recent recording session. The score calls for 7 brass and 3 percussion: 2 trumpets, 2 horns, 2 trombones, 1 piano and 2 percussionists. I conducted the piece and it was recorded at Studio X in Seattle, WA on March 6th.

It's a chase scene in a virtuosic, 50's-60's style. Lots of piano, lots of brass effects and lots of extended percussion techniques. It may not get my hired anywhere but it was super fun to write and I learned a lot about these instruments, having made a few adjustments on the podium.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Brass, Percussion, Piano Chase Music: Recorded March 6th, 2013

My newest piece written for 2 trumpets, 2 horns, 2 trombones, tuba, 2 percussion, and piano. It's spooky mood music followed by a chase. This time, I conducted it. It was recorded at Studio X on March 6th, 2013.