Friday, January 18, 2013

First Film Score Recording Final Edit

Here is the final edit that I'm turning in for the assignment. Once again, special thanks to Hummie Mann for musical direction and conducting, Tim Huling for score study during the session, awesome Seattle players such as Steve Schirmer, Tom and and Virginia Dzeikonski, Arthur Zadinsky, Scott Logocki, John Kim, and others who played wonderfully. Special thanks too to Claire Hawkins, without whom none of this would have happened.

Special changes include a different ending, an edited fast section, additional room mics, reverb added to the spots, and some other magic.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

First Film Scoring Recording Session

On January 16th, the Pacific Northwest Film Scoring School held its first student recording session. The session was held at Studio X in Seattle and each student was assigned to write for string orchestra and clarinet solo.

We had to write an introduction, 8 measures of a clarinet melody, 4 measures of modulation, 8 measures of the same melody in a new key, and four measures of coda.

This is a rough cut of take 6 with a little reverb and added spot mics on the clarinet and bass. Further editing for mistakes and balance will come soon, but this is what I've got as of Thursday, the 17th.

The cue is from an imaginary movie called "Biker Chick III: Home On The Range" and the cue is "Into The Storm". I think that she (the biker) makes it out nicely but not unscathed.

Musical inspiration is coming from James Horner, Hans Zimmer, Henry Mancini, and a whole lot of Hummie Mann. Special thanks to Hummie, who serves as my graduate advisor and who contributed greatly to the style and output of the piece.

Hummie Mann conducted and Tim Huling sat in the booth, running the score study. Thanks to all.
